Brief biography

I studied Theoretical Physics at the University of Trieste (Italy), where I discussed a MSc dissertation on Quantum Computation.

In 2007 I earned my PhD in Physics at the University of Padova (Italy). During my PhD some open fundamental questions in Biology and Ecology fascinated me, so I decided to start studying Theoretical Ecology with a Statistical Mechanics approach. Then I moved to Princeton University (USA), where I was Research Associate and I studied macroecological patterns on river topologies as well as spreading of diseases.

In 2009 I moved to the University of Leeds (UK) as Research Fellow. Here I developed mathematical methods to upscale and downscale biodiversity information and studied stochastic partial differential equations of biological interest.

Since 2012 I have been a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics in the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds.

In 2016 I was invited as a Visiting Fellow of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge) in the programme “Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications”. Here are some of the most interesting and intriguing seminars.

In 2019 I moved to the Unversity of Padova as Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy “G. Galileo” where I work in the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics in collaboration with Prof. Amos Maritan and Prof. Samir S. Suweis.