
Analisi Matematica e Fisica

Undergraduate course (SIA), Vicenza, via Margherita 84, 2023

This is an introductory module in Maths and Physics (“Analisi Matematica e Fisica”) to freshmen enrolled in Sicurezza Igienico-Sanitaria degli Alimenti (MV1734) in the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. This module is taught in Italian and runs in the first semester. The relevant material can be found on Moodle.

Applied Mathematics and Physics

Undergraduate course (AC), Legnaro, Agripolis, 2023

This is an introductory module in Maths and Physics (“Applied Mathemtics and Physics”) to freshmen enrolled in Animal Care (AV2378) in the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. This module is taught in English and runs in the first and second semester. The relevant material can be found on Moodle.

Advanced Topics in Statistical Mechanics

Graduate course (Physics), Department of Physics and Astronomy 'G. Galileo', 2022

This is a PhD course for graduate students in Physics, where I introduce Singular Perturbation Theory with applications to Statistical Mechanics.